In Wisconsin, it stays a wee-bit chilly from about late August until early June. It is what it is. You get used to it. But that doesn't meant you can't be prepared. That's why we rolled out a couple crisp long sleeve shirts to keep you warm during your training!
Back in the summer of 2010 I paid a guy named Neal $500 to create a logo for my then 2 year old business Top Line. After about a hundred designs we settled on this look.
Simple. Classic. Timeless.
From that point on, not only was Top Line here to stay... but our brand was built!
*Quick Suggestion: after a few weeks of regular wears and washes with my long sleeve training shirts, I usually slice off the sleeves right under the bicep at the elbow. Makes for a sick look when you get a nasty pump and fill up the sleeves with nice pump.