Me, Nick & Al (the three of us all kinda started Top Line back in college in 2007/2008). always used to wear hoodies into the gym. We'd load up the pickup truck with our gym bags, gallon jugs and protein shakes. Pull our hoods over our heads. Blare loud heavy metal music and drive to the gym (rain, sleet or snow). We'd get in there and get after it every single day without fail. The hoods up hoodie look gave us a vibe that we were not there to chat or jerk around. We were there to do business. Half way through the workout we'd peel off the pump shield and take a look at what we'd been building in the gym and in the kitchen.
This hoodie has a clean look but also serves a function. Now go get after it!
Quick story about the logo: Back in the summer of 2010 I paid a guy named Neal $500 to create a logo for my then 2 year old business Top Line. After about a hundred designs we settled on this look.
Simple. Classic. Timeless.
From that point on, not only was Top Line here to stay... but our brand was built!